Nissin Noodle Contest Customize Your Soup Contest - October 2015


Thai-Inspired Nissin Soup

Placement: 3rd Place Winner 

Prize won: $1,000


Customize Nissin Soup? Why not? 

Trying to boost your metabolism using Nissin soup?

'Thai' things up! Quadruple action metabolism boost!


Thai-Inspired Nissin Soup


  • 1 package Nissin Cup Noodles (chicken flavor)

  • Jalapeño slices, to taste

  • 2 tablespoons cilantro leaves

  • 2 tablesppons carrots, julianned

  • Sriracha sauce, to taste


  1. Prepare your favorite Customize Your Cup Nissin soup according to package directions.

  2. Add jalapeño slices, cilantro, carrots and sriracha sauce.

Lidia Haddadian